Thursday, 10 June 2021

Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide

Hi friends and my dear students! I have prepared the material of Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide Class - 10 English. As all the students are learning at home, this Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide is more useful to you to practice. Please share this material with your friends.
Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide
Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide

Altitude is Altitude Comprehension Questions

1. What is the meaning of ‘personality?’


2. What is meant by ‘attitude?’


3. What is meant by ‘altitude?’


4. What do you understand from ‘Attitude is Altitude?’


5. Who is Nick Vujicic?


6. What kind of activities can Nick do in spite of having no limbs?


7. ‘I call it my chicken drumstick,’ – What does Nick call his chicken drumstick?


8. How does ‘it’ help him?


9. How does Nick play golf?


10. What was the decision of Nick’s parents?


11. Why were Nick’s parents shocked and distraught when he was born?


12. What is the nationality of Nick Vujicic?


13. What is Nick’s disability called in medical terms?


14 What did Nick’s parents do to make him independent?


15. ‘It was the best decision they could have made for me,’ – What was the best decision of Nick’s parents?  Why?


16. What are Nick’s parents?


17. ‘I was deeply depressed and wanted to kill myself when I was eight’ – Why did Nick feel like that?


18. What helped Nick become an international symbol of triumph over adversity?


19. What inspired Nick to use his life to encourage disabled people?


20. ‘I decided to be thankful for what I have, not get angry about what I don’t.’ – What does Nick have, what he doesn’t?


21. What qualities in Nick fetched him the ‘Australian Young Citizen of the Year’ award in 1990?


22. What did Nick do to freak the girl out when she was looking at him interestingly?


23. Who was Nick’s surfing master?  What was so special about her? / Why did Nick choose her as his surfing teacher?


24. Why did Nick’s name appear on the cover of ‘Surfer Magazine?’


25. What helped Nick achieve the 360-degree spin on the surfing board?


26. Why does Nick visit different countries in the world?


27. Who is Nick’s life partner?


28. What is the title of the book they published together?


29. What is Nick Vujicic’s message?


30. Mention the positive qualities of Nick that helped him reach great heights in his life?


Combine the following sentences using “who”.              

1. Nick plays football and golf, swims, and surfs. He is mainly a torso. Ans:_______________________________________________________________

2. Nick now lives in Los Angeles. He was born in Melbourne, Australia. Ans:_______________________________________________________________ 

3. Nick now lives in Los Angeles. He won the bravery award. Ans:_______________________________________________________________ 

4. Nick had an electric wheelchair for mobility. He was teased and bullied. 


Combine the following sentences using “which”. 

5. Nick has a small foot on his left hip. It helps him balance and enables him to kick. Ans:_______________________________________________________________

6. Nick read an article. It brought change in his attitude. Ans:_______________________________________________________________

Combine the following sentences using “that”. 

7. His mum invented a special plastic device. It meant he could hold a pen and pencil. Ans:_______________________________________________________________

8. His mum invented a special plastic device.    

Ans: _____________________________________________________________.

9. Nick read a newspaper article about a disabled person.    

Ans: _____________________________________________________________.

10.Nick won the Australian Young Citizen of the Year award for his bravery and perseverance.    

Ans: _____________________________________________________________.

Altitude is Altitude Reported Speech

11. Nick said to his mother, “I will kill myself”.

    Ans: ___________________________________________________________.

12. Nick said, “She taught me how to surf”.

    Ans: ____________________________________________________________.

13. Nick said to Kanae, "I love you".

    Ans: ____________________________________________________________.

Combine the following sentences using 'in spite of'

14. Nick plays football and golf, swims, and surfs. He has no limbs.

Ans: ______________________________________________________________

15. His parents insisted on his attending mainstream school. There was the risk of being bullied. 

Ans: ______________________________________________________________

Combine the following sentences using 'so. .... that'

16.When Nick was born his father was very shocked. He left the hospital room to vomit. 

Ans: ______________________________________________________________

17. The article was very inspirational to me. I decided to use my life to encourage other 


Ans: ______________________________________________________________

Read the paragraph and write the Antonyms of the underlined words.

Nick has a small(a) foot on his left hip which helps him balance and enables(b) him to kick. Due to his faith as an Evangelical(c) Christian, Nick has chosen to remain a virgin until marriage although he has had long-term girlfriends in the past(d).

A)   ­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________       B)____________     C) ____________    D) __________


He's very modest(a) but he gets marriage proposals from women all the time,' said Nick's friend(b) and publicist Steve Appel. 'He would love to get married and start(c) a family but he's waiting for the right(d) girl to come along.

A)   _____________       B)____________     C) ____________    D) __________

My mother was a nurse and she did everything right during pregnancy(a) but she still blamed(b) herself,' he said. 'It was so hard for them but right(c) from the start they did their best to make me independent(d).

A)   _____________       B)____________     C) ____________    D) __________

Complete the spelling of the words with ‘ea’, ‘ia’, ‘ou’, ‘ae’, ‘ie’, ‘ue’, ‘au’, ‘iu’.

(a) He is a huge fan of the English Prem__ __ r Leag __ __.

(b) His parents decided not to send him to a spec __ __ l  sch__ __ l.

(c) His distr __ __ ght mother couldn’t bring herself to hold him.

(d) My dad put me in water at 18 months and gave the c __ __ rage to l__ __ rn how to swim.

(e) Nick’s father was a computer programmer and acc __ __ ntant.

(f) His parents insisted on his attending mainstr__ __ m sch__ __ l.

(g) I could brush my own t__ __ th with a wall m __ __ nted brush.

(h) Nick managed to pull through to become an internat__ __ nal symbol of tr__ __ mph over adversity.

Complete the words with correct suffixes given in brackets.

(a) His disability came without any medical explana. ................ (tion / sion).

(b) It was very hard but it gave me independ. ................... (ance / ence).

(c) There was so much that was imposs……………… (able / ible) for me.'

(d) Luckily the attempt was unsuccess. ....................... (ful / full).

(e) Nick became an international symbol of triumph over adver. ................ (sity / city).

(f) Nick won the Australian Young Citizen of the Year award for his brav……(ery / ary)

and persever. .......... (ance/ence).

Use the following expressions in sentences of your own.

Altitude is Altitude Phrasal verbs

kick down    : strike forcibly with the foot.

                        Own Sentence: _______________________________________________.

got into          : become involve in

                         Own Sentence: _______________________________________________.

run over        : hit someone or something and drive over them.

                         Own Sentence: _______________________________________________.

freak out       : make someone upset/ shock

                             Own Sentence: _______________________________________________.

seed off         : leave quickly in vehicle.

                         Own Sentence: _______________________________________________.

Match the following one-word substitutes with their meanings.

1. Omnipresent         (           ) (A) one who knows many languages

2. Centenarian         (           ) (B) one who possesses many talents

3. Spendthrift            (           ) (C) one who hates women

4. Linguist                 (            ) (D) one who is present everywhere

      (E) one who is above a hundred

                                                  F) one who spends too much

1. Mercenary             (           ) (A) one who possesses many talents

2. Intellectual            (           ) (B) one who can do anything for money

3. Versatile                (           ) (C) one that cannot be corrected

4. Incorrigible            (           ) (D) one who spends his time and money for others

     (E) one who knows many languages

     (F) a person of good

1 comment:

  1. Very nice sir. Post the answers at the end, so that children can get their doubts clarified.Really you are doing a great job 👌👏👏👏


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