Showing posts with label unit-1-class-10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unit-1-class-10. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

In this post, I have given 2 Comprehension Passages with Answers.

Nick Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker, author, and disability rights activist who was born without arms and legs. Here are two reading comprehension passages based on his life and lessons:

 Comprehension Passages For Class -10 CCE Pattern

Friday, 11 November 2022

Antonyms Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered the Antonyms Worksheet With Answers For 20 Marks. After Practicing the Antonyms Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Antonyms Worksheet With Answers For 20 Marks
Antonyms Worksheet With Answers For 20 Marks

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Fill in the blanks with the right forms

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered the Fill in the blanks with the right forms 20 Marks. After Practicing the Fill in the blanks with the right forms, Please do share it with your friends.
Fill in the blanks with the right forms
Fill in the blanks with the right forms

Friday, 14 October 2022

Rewrite As Directed English Grammar

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered the Rewrite As Directed Worksheet For All Classes. After Practicing Rewrite As Directed English Grammar, Please do share it with your friends..
Rewrite As Directed Worksheet
Rewrite As Directed Worksheet

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Every Success Story is Also A Story of A Great Failures Notes

Hi friends and my dear students! Now I would like to share with you  Every Success Story is Also A Story of A Great Failures A Complete Material. After reading this Every Success Story is Also A Story of A Great Failures Material, Please share with your friends.

Every Success Story is Also A Story of A Great Failures Comprehension

1. What is Tom Watson Sr.’s quotation?


2. Whose success stories are stories of great failures?


3. What are the series of failures of Abraham Lincoln?


4. What is his ultimate success?


5. How did Lincoln take each of his defeat?


6. Who was Lee De Forest?


7. What the charge against him?


8. Why was the wisdom of the Wright Brothers questioned?


9. What did Colonel Sanders do before he got his first order for his recipe?


10. What inspired Walt Disney to start Mickey Mouse?


Read More

Attitude Is Altitude A Complete Material

The Snake And The Mirror A Complete Material

Every Success is Also A Story of A Great Failures A Complete Material

Every Success Story is Also A Story of Great Failures Comprehension Quiz

11. What is the secret behind the success of great people? / What do successful people do?


12. Who was Thomas Edison?  What was his disability?


13. What was the remark of Edison’s teacher?


14. What was the reply of Edison’s mother to that remark?


15. Did Edison have any formal schooling in his childhood?


16. Is ‘luck’ the secret of successful people?  Justify your answer.


17. What was the biggest tragedy in the life of Thomas Edison?


18. How does a setback help us?


19. What Nepoleon Hill’s quotation?


20. What is the secret to/of success, according to Socretes?


21. What is the seed of all accomplishments / great results?


22. Edison failed many times in life. He invented 1000 inventions.


23. A New York Times editorial on December 10, 1903, questioned the wisdom of the Wright Brothers.


Read More 

Direct and Indirect Speech A Complete Guide

Its Time A Complete Guide

Defining Clause and Non-Defining Clause

Active Voice and Passive Voice A Complete Guide

Articles A Complete Guide Step by step

Every Success is Also A Story of A Great Failures

Combine the following sentences using the words given in brackets. 

1. Hari spread the news. The news was fake. (which)

2. I met a man. He was blind. (who)

3. The sun set . the farmer went home. (when)

4. This is a beautiful place. it attracts many visitors (which)

5. Rahul is my teacher. I shall never forget him. (whom)


1. Hari spread the news which was fake.

2. I met a man who was blind.

3. When the sunset, the farmer went home.

4. This is a beautiful place which attracts many visitors

5. Rahul is my teacher whom I shall never forget.

Also Read

Attitude is Altitude Summary

I Will Do It Summary

Every Success Story is Also A Story Of Great Failures Summary

 Change the following sentence into Passive voice.

1. I know him. (AV)

2. Kavitha is reading a poem.

3. The officer will look into the case.

4. Harshitha taught Mathematics.

5. Rajesh cut the tree.

6. Who wrote the Gitanjali?


1) He is known to me.

2) A poem is being read by Kavitha.

3) The case will be looked into by the officer.

4) Mathematics was taught by Harshitha.

5) The tree was cut by Rajesh

6) By whom was the Gitanjali written?

Change the following into Reported Speech. 

1. He said, "I was doing homework."

2. Akhila said to me, "what is your name?"

3. Nandini will say, "I am lucky."

4. Raju has said, "I am working har."

5. She said to him, "you are late today."


1. He said that he was doing homework.

2. Akhila asked me what my name was.

3. Nandini will say that she is lucky.

4. Raju has said that he is working hard.

5. She told him that he was late that day

Edit the following passage correcting the underlined parts. 

1. Stephen Hawking was born in (a) 8th January 1942. He were (b) the eldest of the four sons. her (c) mother was Isobel. His father was an (d) medical researcher. He was recognize (e) as a bright student in his academic life.

2. I do not knew (a) why children is (b) afraid of speaking English. If we learns (c) it systematically we will learn the basics to (d) the language in six and (e) seven months. 

3. Mahatma Gandhi was an (a) great freedom fighter. He worked hard to achieved (b) freedom. Her (c) true weapons are truth or(d) non – violence. He is truly called the father with (e) our nation.


(a) on (b) was (c) his (d) a (e) recognized

(a) Know (b) are (c) learn (d) of (e) or

(a) a (b) achieve (c) His (d) and (e) of


Soft X Hard 

Bold X Timid (coward) 

Laugh X Weep

Arrive X Depart

Difficult X Easy 

Full X Empty 

Broad X Narrow

Patriot X Traitor 

Triumph X Defeat 

Superior X Inferior 

Intelligent X Dull 

Arrival X departure 

Same X Different 

Long X Short

Slow X Fast 

Accept X Reject/Refuse

Young X old 

True X False

Always X Never 

Help X Hinder 

High X Low 

Wise X Foolish 

Presence X absence

Heavy X Light 

More X Less 

Remember X Forget

Safe X Unsafe/Dangerous

Certain X Uncertain

Ignorant X Intelligent 

Clever X fool 

Mighty X Weak

Useful X Useless 

Permanent X Temporary 

Proud X Humble 

Quick X Slow

Lenient X Strict 

Demolish X Construct 

Success X Failure 

Careful X Careless 

Kind X Cruel / Unkind

Lose X Gain 

Life X Death 

Dirty X Clean 

Weak X Strong

Reward X Punishment 

Right X Wrong 

Rich X poor 

Brave X Timid 

Encourage Discourage

Sweet X bitter 

Change the following sentence into a Polite Request. 1 M

1. Where is the state bank of India?

2. You to a stranger – ―give me your bicycle.

3. You to your father, ―I am going to Tirupathi today.

4. You to the teacher, ―explain about this experiment.

5. You to a shopkeeper, ―change this damaged magnifying glass at once.


1. Could you please tell me where the state bank of India is?

2. Could you please give me your bicycle?

3. Please allow me to go to Tirupathi Today.

4. Could you please explain about this experiment?

5. I shall be thankful to you if you change this damaged magnifying glass at once.

Every Success is Also A Story of A Great Failures A Complete Material

Every Success is Also A Story of A Great Failures 

Every Success is Also A Story of A Great Failures A Complete Notes

Every Success is Also A Story of A Great Failures A Complete Guide

Every Success is Also A Story of A Great Failures 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide

Hi friends and my dear students! I have prepared the material of Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide Class - 10 English. As all the students are learning at home, this Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide is more useful to you to practice. Please share this material with your friends.
Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide
Altitude is Altitude A Complete Guide

Friday, 4 June 2021

Every Success Story is Also A Story of Great Failures Comprehension

Hi friends and my dear students! In this article, You are going to Play Every Success Story is Also A Story of Great Failures Comprehension Quiz. This Every Success Story is Also A Story of Great Failures Comprehension Quiz helps you a lot to know about the lesson at a glance. After playing, please share it with your friends.

Every Success Story is Also A Story of Great Failures Comprehension Quiz

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Every Success Story Is Also A Story Of Great Failures Short summary

All stories of success are also stories of great failures.


Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Correct Headings Slip Test Class - 10 English Unit - 1. After writing this Correct Headings Sliptest, Please do share it with your friends. You also can play here Grammar Quizzes.
Correct Headings Slip Test
Correct Headings Slip Test

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Synonyms Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered the Synonyms Worksheet With Answers. After Practicing the Synonyms Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Synonyms Worksheet With Answers
Synonyms Worksheet With Answers

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Phrasal Verbs In Own Sentences

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered the Phrasal Verbs Worksheet Class - 10. After Practicing Phrasal Verbs In Own Sentence, Please do share it with your friends.
Phrasal Verbs In Own Sentences

Phrasal Verbs In Own Sentences

Friday, 19 March 2021

Wrongly Spelt Words Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered the Vowel Clusters, Suffixes, Wrongly Spelt Words Worksheet. After Practicing, Please do share it with your friends.
Vowel Clusters, Suffixes, Wrongly Spelt Words Worksheet
Vowel Clusters, Suffixes, Wrongly Spelt Words Worksheet

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Creative Expressions: Letter Writing

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Letter Writing (Personal Letter & Complaint Letter). After reading Personal Letter & Complaint Letter, Please do share it with your friends.

Letter Writing (Personal Letter & Complaint Letter)
Letter Writing (Personal Letter & Complaint Letter)

Monday, 23 November 2020

I Will Do It Slip Test Class - 10 English

Hi Friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered I Will Do It Slip Test for 30 Marks. After writing this Slip Test of I Will Do It, Please share it with your friends. You can Also play English Grammar Quizzes

 I Will Do It Slip Test

Friday, 13 November 2020

Fill in the blanks with Opposite Words

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Attitude Is Altitude Opposites Worksheet, After practicing Fill in the blanks with Opposite Words, Please do share it with your friends.
Attitude Is Altitude Opposites Worksheet
Attitude Is Altitude Opposites Worksheet

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Hi friends and my dear students! I would like to share in this article, Attitude Is Altitude Creative Expression Diary Entry & Description  - 2. After reading this Attitude Is Altitude Creative Expression, Please share with your friends.

Attitude is Altitude Creative Expression

Monday, 9 November 2020

Hi friends and my dear students! I would like to share in this article, Attitude Is Altitude Creative Expression Conversations - 1. After reading this Attitude Is Altitude Creative Expression, Please share with your friends.

Attitude Is Altitude  Creative Expression
Attitude Is Altitude Creative Expression

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I am sharing Attitude is Altitude Slip Test - 1. I have given this Attitude is Altitude Slip Test for 20 Marks. After writing this test, please share it with your friends.

Attitude is Altitude Slip Test - 1
Attitude is Altitude Slip Test - 1

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

The Dear Departed - I Comprehension 

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered The Dear Departed - I Comprehension Test for  25 Marks. After practicing The Dear Departed - I Comprehension, Please do share with your friends.
The Dear Departed - I Comprehension Test
 The Dear Departed - I Comprehension Test 

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Hi Friends! Are you searching for "What Is Meant By Attitude Is Altitude"? You are @ the right place to know the meaning of Attitude Determines Your Altitude.
What is Meant By Attitude Is Altitude
What is Meant By Attitude Is Altitude 

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