Wednesday, 12 April 2023

In this post, I have given 2 Comprehension Passages with Answers.

Nick Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker, author, and disability rights activist who was born without arms and legs. Here are two reading comprehension passages based on his life and lessons:

 Comprehension Passages For Class -10 CCE Pattern

Passage 1:

Nick Vujicic is a remarkable person who has inspired millions of people around the world. He was born without arms and legs, but that did not stop him from living a fulfilling life. As a child, Nick struggled with depression and even contemplated suicide. However, he eventually learned to accept his disability and focus on his abilities instead. He learned to write and type using his toes and even learned to swim and surf.

Nick's positive attitude and determination have helped him achieve many great things in life. He has written several books, given motivational speeches in over 60 countries, and even started his own non-profit organization called Life Without Limbs. Through his work, Nick hopes to inspire others to overcome their challenges and live their best lives.

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Who is Nick Vujicic?

What challenges did Nick face as a child?

How did Nick learn to accept his disability?

What achievements has Nick made in his life?

What is Nick's message to others?

Passage 2:

Nick Vujicic's life teaches us many valuable lessons. One of the most important lessons he teaches is the power of a positive attitude. Despite his physical limitations, Nick has a contagious enthusiasm for life that inspires others to look past their own challenges and focus on their blessings.

Another lesson that Nick teaches is the importance of perseverance. He did not give up on his dreams, even when they seemed impossible. He worked hard to learn new skills and push himself to new limits.

Finally, Nick teaches us the value of compassion and empathy. He uses his experiences to help others who are struggling and encourages people to be kind and understanding to those who may be different.

By embodying these values, Nick has made a positive impact on the world and has inspired countless people to do the same.


What is one of the most important lessons Nick teaches?

How does Nick inspire others?

What does Nick teach about perseverance?

How does Nick show compassion and empathy?

What impact has Nick made on the world?

Answers for the comprehension passages:

Passage 1:

1. Nick Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker, author, and disability rights activist who was born without arms and legs.

2. Nick struggled with depression and even contemplated suicide as a child.

3. Nick learned to accept his disability by focusing on his abilities instead. He learned to write and type using his toes and even learned to swim and surf.

4. Nick has written several books, given motivational speeches in over 60 countries, and even started his own non-profit organization called Life Without Limbs.

5. Nick's message to others is to overcome their challenges and live their best lives.

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Passage 2:

1. One of the most important lessons Nick teaches is the power of a positive attitude.

2. Nick inspires others by having a contagious enthusiasm for life that inspires others to look past their own challenges and focus on their blessings.

3. Nick teaches the importance of perseverance by not giving up on his dreams, even when they seemed impossible.

4. Nick shows compassion and empathy by using his experiences to help others who are struggling and encourages people to be kind and understanding to those who may be different.

5. Nick has made a positive impact on the world and has inspired countless people to embody values of positivity, perseverance, and compassion.


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