Thursday, 13 May 2021

Synonyms Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered the Synonyms Worksheet With Answers. After Practicing the Synonyms Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Synonyms Worksheet With Answers
Synonyms Worksheet With Answers

Read the paragraph and write the synonyms of the underlined words choosing from the words given in the box.                              


arms and legs,  disabled,   bold,   toes,    features,        trunk

Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs - but he doesn’t let the details (i) stop him. The brave (ii) 26-year-old - who is mainly torso (iii) - plays football and golf, swims, and surfs, despite having no limbs (iv).


(i)         ____________________

(ii)        ____________________                                      

(iii)       ____________________  

(iv)      ____________________                                      


 kept,    association,   big,      bat,      tied,     game 

Water sports aren't Nick's only thing - he also plays golf with a club (i) tucked (ii) under his chin, and is a huge (iii) fan of the English Premier League (iv).


(i)         ____________________

(ii)        ____________________                                      

(iii)       ____________________  

(iv)      ____________________

Also Read

Phrasal Verbs Worksheet 



    clinic,  diseased,       stunned,        emit,    handicap,      anxious

When Nick was born his father was so shocked (i) that he left the hospital (ii) room to vomit (iii). His distraught (iv) mother couldn't bring herself to hold him until he was four months old.


(i)         ____________________

(ii)        ____________________                                      

(iii)       ____________________  

(iv)      ____________________                                      


 unkind,   disease,   happening,   surprising,   handicap, clarification

His disability (i) came without any medical explanation (ii) - a rare occurrence (iii) called Phocomelia - and Nick and his parents spent many years asking why this cruel (iv) trick would happen to them.


(i)         ____________________

(ii)        ____________________                                      

(iii)       ____________________  

(iv)      ____________________



urged, surprising,     general,         danger,   humiliation,  important

 Despite the risk (i) of bullying (ii), his parents insisted (iii) Nick attended mainstream (iv) school.


(i)         ____________________

(ii)        ____________________                                      

(iii)       ____________________  

(iv)      ____________________                                              

Synonyms Answers                    

(i)features     (ii)bold                      (iii) trunk         (iv) arms and legs

(i)bat              (ii)kept                      (iii) big            (iv) association

(i)stunned      (ii)clinic                     (iii) emit          (iv) anxious

(i)handicap    (ii) clarification          (iii) happening (iv) unkind

(i)danger        (ii) humiliation           (iii) urged        (iv) general

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