Tuesday, 11 August 2020

The Snake and the Mirror A Complete Material

Hi friends and my dear friends! In this article, I am going to provide you The Snake and the Mirror A Complete Material. Please share this The Snake and the Mirror Material with your friends who are studying class - 9.
The Snake and the Mirror A Complete Material Class - 9
The Snake and the Mirror A Complete Material Class - 9

The Snake and the Mirror Material

The Snake and the Mirror Comprehension

1. What did the snake do the doctor? 

2. How far was death from him?

3. The “stretched” means.

4. Why did the author not jump, tremble, and cry?

5. Did the snake bit the speaker? What was his reaction?

6. What does the word “tremble” from the above lines mean?

7. Where did the snake move its head?

8. Why did the narrator call it the “first snake”?

9. Find a word in the lesson that means ‘look at with pleasure and satisfaction’

10. Where did the snake settle after uncoiling from the writer’s arm?

Also Read 

The Snake and the Mirror Vocabulary

 I. Find the correct meaning of the words underlined below.

1. The house was not electrified.

a. There was no electricity in the house.

b. The house was not away from the electricity board.

c. The house was not lit up.

2. The earnings were meager.

a. very high

b. very small

c. nil

3. I also possessed one solitary black coat.

a. single

b. unique

c. expensive

4. I made another earth-shaking decision.

a. valuable

b. dangerous

c. important

5. The room was surrounded by darkness.

a. full of

b. covered

c. encircled

6. Some thieves had removed most of my things.

a. damaged

b. destroyed

c. stolen

Also Read

II. Read the following sentence from the text and notice the underlined word.

Suddenly there came a dull thud as if a rubber tube had fallen to the ground.

Here ‘Thud’ means to fall with a low dull sound.

Here is a list of words related to sounds. Say what these words mean. Refer to a dictionary.




A sudden loud, sharp noise


a loud, resonant metallic sound or series of sounds.


a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound


A Sound like a bell


to fall with a low dull sound


I. Read the following sentences from the story.

We found we had little to carry. Some thief had removed most of my things. In the above two sentences, the first one is in the simple past (found) and the second sentence is in the past perfect tense (had removed).

As you can see, the action which occurred earlier is expressed in the past perfect tense, whereas the action which occurred later, is expressed in the simple past tense.

Here are a few more examples.

1. Sujatha had arrived at the station before the train came.

2. The doctor arrived after the patient had died.

3: I bought the ticket as soon as I boarded the bus.

When two actions occur nearly simultaneously in the past, both are expressed in the simple past tense (exceptional case).

Now combine the following pair of sentences using the past perfect and the simple past. (use after, before or when as linkers)

The first one has been done for you.

1. I brushed my teeth. I took my breakfast.

A. After I had brushed my teeth, I took my breakfast. (or)

     I had brushed my teeth before I took my breakfast. (or)

     I had brushed my teeth when I took my breakfast

The Structures of When, Before, After

Ø When + Subject+ V2 + _________, Sub + Had + V3 + ____________.
Ø After + Subject + had + V3 + ____________, Sub + V2 + _________.
Ø Subject + had + V3 + __________ Before + Subject + V2 + ________.

2. She started to go to the market. It rained heavily.

A. ______________________________________________________

3. He completed his homework. He went to bed.

A. ______________________________________________________

4. I finished my dinner. Then my father came.

A. ______________________________________________________

5. I fell seriously ill. I met my family doctor.

A. ______________________________________________________

6. I locked the door. I went out to meet my friend at a restaurant.

A. ______________________________________________________

Also Read

II. Phrasal Verbs 

Look at the following phrasal verbs and their meanings. 

1. take out - to remove something from inside 

2. set up - to arrange for something; to happen / to start 

3. take off - to remove 

4. lie down - to take rest

5. take time off - to take some time for something 

6. look into - to observe oneself keenly 

7. look at - to have a look at something 

8. get up - to wake up 

9. change into - to turn into 

10. leave behind - to leave something as a token of memory or gift.

Change Into Indirect Speech

1. "I always drink coffee", she said

 Ans: ____________________________________________.  

2. "I am reading a book", he explained.

Ans: ____________________________________________.    

3. She said, "He has finished his work"

Ans: ____________________________________________.    

4. "I have been to India", he told me.

Ans: ____________________________________________.    

5. She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday."

Change into Passive Voice.

1. They write a letter.

Ans: ___________________________________________.

2. We help you.

Ans: ___________________________________________.

3. He loves his parents.

Ans: ___________________________________________.

4. We love our country.

Ans: ___________________________________________.

5. We learn Grammar.

Ans: ___________________________________________.


The Snake and the Mirror A Complete Material Keywords

The Snake and the Mirror A Complete Material

The Snake and the Mirror 

The Snake and the Mirror  Material

The Snake and the Mirror Lesson  Complete Material

The Snake and the Mirror Lesson Material


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