Monday, 14 September 2020

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Wit And Humour Slip Test for 40 Marks
Wit And Humour Slip Test for 40 Marks

I have covered Wit And Humour Slip Test for 40 Marks. After Practicing Wit And Humour Slip Test, please do share it with your friends.

Comprehension Passages

I. “It would never do for them to find you in colours.”

1. Identify the speaker and the listener in the above lines.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

2. Who is referred to as ‘them’ in the above lines?

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

3. ‘in colours’ means.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

4. What is the context of the above remark?

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

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II. “No, my child, Grandpa gave it to your mother before he died.”

5. Identify the speaker and the listener.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

6. What does ‘it’ refer to?

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

7. What impression do you form of the speakers from the above statement?

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

8. What do you think will be the impact of the above statement on the listener?

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

III. That night the potter could not sleep. He was nervous and worried because he did not know how to ride a horse.

9. Why couldn't the potter sleep that night?

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

10.Why was the potter nervous and worried?

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

IV. Edit the following passage correcting the underlined parts. 

Once upon a time, a (11) old man lived with her (12) three sons in a village. The three sons was (13) hard workers. Still, they quarrelled all the time. The old man tried a lot to unity (14) them but he failed. Though the villagers appreciated their hard work and efforts, they make (15) fun of them on their fights.

V. Change the following sentence into Passive voice.

16. Mrs. Slater is laying the table.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

17. Your father sent them a telegram.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

18. She is wearing an outfit of new mourning.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

19. Mrs. Slater put the kettle on the fire.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

VI. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

20. Victoria said to her parents, “Are you planning to pinch it? ”. 

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

21. Mrs. Slater said, “Don't talk so silly, Victoria. ”.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

22. Mrs. Jordan said to her father, "Are you quite well?" 

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

23. Amelia said to Victoria, “Hold your tongue”.

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

24. Abel said, "I shall make a new will."

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

25. The king said, "Tell him to come tomorrow."

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

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VII. Combining the following sentences.

26. We found he was dead. Your father sent them a telegram. (No sooner) 

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

27. Able is over seventy. He is vigorous and well coloured. (Though) 

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

28. The potter had not carried a sword. He had not ridden a horse. (neither ... nor)

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

29. The king rewarded the potter very well. He did not need to work again. (so ... that) 

Ans: ________________________________________________________.

30. Mr. Abel decided to marry Mrs. Shorrocks. He left the home. (Present Participle) 

Ans: ________________________________________________________.  

VIII. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in the brackets.

31. She was unable to attend the party ________________ her marriage engagement. (in addition to / due to)

32. ________________ fire, ring the alarm bell. (In spite of / In case of )

33. Call the police ___________________ a theft. (In spite of / In case of )

34. Sriram continued his batting carefully __________________ his team though he was hungry. (for the sake of / in front of)

35. You should complete your B.Ed. ______________ your B.Sc to get a teacher job.(in addition to / according to)

IX. Complete the words with correct suffixes given in brackets.

36. Henry Slater, a stooping, heavy man with a drooping moust______________ (ache / ashe)


37. Victoria appears, dressed according to her mother's instruc______________ (tions / sions).

38. She puts it on the mantelp______________ (iece / eice).

39. The latter is a stout, compla______________ (cent / sent) woman with an irritating air of being always right.

40. He is rather a jolly little man, but at present trying to adapt himself to the regrettable occa______________(sion / tion)

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1. The speaker is Mrs. Slater and the listener is her daughter Victoria.

2. ‘Them’ refers to Mrs. and Mr. Jordan.

3. Victoria is wearing colourful clothes, whereas she should be wearing a mourning dress.

4. Victoria’s grandfather is supposed to be dead.

5. The speaker is Henry Slater and he is addressing his daughter.

6. ‘It’ refers to the ‘bureau’.

7. Both the Slater's are greedy and great hypocrites.

8. Victoria will end up losing respect for her parents.

9. The potter had to lead the army into battle the next day.

10. He was nervous and worried because he did not know how to ride a horse.

11. an

12. his

13. were

14. unite

15. made

16. The table is being laied by Mrs. Slater.

17. They were sent a telegram by your fater. or A telegram was sent to them by your father.

18. An outfit of new mourning is being worn by her.

19. The kettle was put on the fire by Mrs. Slater.

20. Victoria asked her parents if they were planning to pinch it.

21. Mrs. Slater ordered Victoria not to talk so silly.

22. Mrs. Jordan asked her father if he was quite well.

23. Amelia asked Victoria to hold her tongue.

24. Able said that he would make a new will.

25. The king asked to tell him to come the nextday.

26. No sooner did we find he was dead than Your father sent them a telegram.


    No sooner had we found he was dead than Your father sent them a telegram.

27. Though Able is over seventy, he is vigorous and well coloured.

28. The potter had neither carried a sword nor ridden a horse.

29. The king rewarded the potter so well that he did not need to work again.

30. Deciding to marry Mrs. Shorrocks, Mr. Abel left the home.

31. due to

32. In case of

33. In case of

34. for the sake of 

35. in addition to

36. moustache

37. instructions

38. manelpiece

39. complacent

40. occasion

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